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lyrics: how to save filenames with spaces?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 7:23 am
by ludi

I have switched to Guayadeque a few days ago, and I am trying to make it save the lyrics by keeping the spaces in the filenames. Could anybody please tell me how to do it?

In fact, if I delete the transformation in the the Replace field in the File Target of the Lyrics parameter, it stops replacing the space character with an underscore sign, but instead of leaving the space in the filename, it replaces it a plus sign (+). Is there a way, to have it keep the spaces in the filename?

Thanks in advance for any help.

lyrics: how to save filenames with spaces?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:22 am
by ludi
An example of what I explained above might be helpful:

Let's consider the title "Let It Be" by "The Beatles".

I get either "Let_It_Be" and "The_Beatles" (default setting) or "Let+It+Be" and "The+Beatles" (when there is no transformation defined in the Target for the File entry of the lyrics setting).

Is there a way to make the folders and files for the lyrics get the exact name of the artist and the titl, without replacing the spaces by something else?
