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Some issues

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:27 am
by tamalet
I'd like to report some issues:

1 .I have two collections. When I open Guayadeque, my main collection is always the second tab. I'd like it to be the first tab, so I move it every time, but the change is not saved.

2 .After and update, the Album Browser is not refreshed. I have to scroll or select other view for it to get refreshed.

3 .After changing the rules of a dynamic playlists, it not refreshed. I have to select another playlists and reselect it.

4 .Dynamic playlists with a rule like "length at least 10:00" do not show the correct results.

5 .If you have the rule above and you change say 10 to 15, the tick button to update the rule does not get enabled.

Some issues

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:53 pm
by anonbeat
1.- [s]I will try to fix this asap[/s] I just tried with two collections and I cant reproduce the problem. Here its saved correctly the order and the current selected.
2.- What kind of update ?
3.- Fixed
4.- Fixed
5.- Fixed

Thanks for your bug report

Some issues

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:37 pm
by tamalet
1. It seems it was a problem with my config file. I started with a new one and now it's working fine.
2. An update of the collection.

Thanks a lot.

Some issues

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:57 am
by camaron
Very pleased with fix 3. Small things like this make a whole lot of a difference. Thanks